
“Who’s Your Caddy?”: How Managing A Tech Company Is Like Playing Golf


As I was engrossed in the Netflix show Full Swing, I found myself contemplating the skills required to excel in golf beyond the “weekend warrior at the country club” level. I wondered about the traits shared by legendary golfers like Tiger Woods, Jack Nicklaus, or Phil Mickelson—those who stand out as true masters of the game. It became evident that their success goes beyond kinetic abilities like hand-eye coordination and precise aim. Instead, they possess overarching skills that are harder to define but crucial for achieving greatness in golf. Traits like adaptability, agility, strategic thinking, and the ability to spot opportunities even from a distance are what set these pros apart.

Interestingly, these skills extend beyond the golf course and find resonance in the realm of tech leadership. Managing a tech company shares several similarities with playing golf, and tech leaders can learn valuable lessons by reflecting on these connections:

1. Strategy and Vision:

Great golfers approach every game with a strategic mindset. They carefully assess various factors, including weather conditions, wind speed and direction, as well as the topography and elevation of different points on the green. Based on this evaluation, they choose the right club, swing force, and direction to sink the ball into the hole. Moreover, their decision-making extends beyond a single game. Over time, they must choose the right tournaments to focus on, prioritize beneficial training, and decide when to retire or continue playing.

Similarly, tech leaders must be strategic thinkers in their approach. They need to evaluate market trends, labor dynamics, customer demands, and the potential impact of competitors’ products or services. By aligning these considerations with the company’s mission, tech leaders chart a path for their organization, keeping an eye out for both obstacles and opportunities along the way.

2. Collaboration and Teamwork:

While golf may seem like a solo sport, it is far from it. A golfer relies on the expertise of their caddy in selecting the appropriate club and identifying challenging areas on the green. Coaches and other support staff also play a crucial role in a golfer’s success. Just as collaboration is vital in golf, it holds equal importance in managing a tech company.

Though leading a tech corporation might seem isolating at the top, tech leaders must emphasize cross-functional communication. By leveraging the skills and knowledge of different teams and individuals throughout the company, they can work toward a shared objective. Encouraging collaboration and breaking down departmental silos becomes paramount for fostering innovation and growth.

Moreover, on a personal level, having a trusted “caddy” or advisor—whether external or internal—is immensely valuable. This confidant can provide a fresh perspective, help bounce ideas, and offer advice and recommendations when needed. By embracing collaboration and teamwork, tech leaders can steer their companies towards success.

The game of golf and tech leadership may seem like disparate worlds, but beneath the surface, they share remarkable parallels. Just as golf greats demonstrate extraordinary skills that can translate to various industries, tech leaders can gain valuable insights by embracing the strategic thinking, collaboration, and adaptability inherent in the sport. By embodying the spirit of a skilled golfer, tech leaders can navigate the ever-changing landscape of the tech industry and drive their companies to achieve unparalleled success.

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