New App For Vision Pro developer kits

New App For Vision Pro developer kits



Exciting news for developers and tech enthusiasts! Apple has recently announced that it is accepting applications from developers who want to get their hands on the cutting-edge Vision Pro headset through the company’s website. Along with the headset, the Vision Pro developer kit includes invaluable support, code-level assistance, and insightful consultations with Apple experts regarding app development on the visionary visionOS platform.


The Vision Pro Developer Kit: A Gateway to Innovation

The highly anticipated Vision Pro developer kit by Apple is opening up avenues for creators to unlock the full potential of the visionOS features and capabilities. This exclusive opportunity allows developers to explore groundbreaking possibilities in app development, tapping into a world of innovation, and creating exceptional experiences for users.


Prioritizing Innovation and VisionOS Integration

Apple is keen on prioritizing applicants who demonstrate a strong commitment to integrating the unique capabilities of visionOS into their app creations. By fostering this focus, the company aims to ensure that the Vision Pro headset offers an unparalleled experience, rich with seamless functionality and transformative features.


Development Skills, Existing Apps, and the Application Process

To apply for the Vision Pro developer kit, interested developers must be Account Holders in the Apple Developer Program. After enrollment, developers have the chance to specify their team’s development skills and showcase existing apps. Apple’s intention is to understand the expertise and experience of each applicant, ensuring that the headset reaches capable hands and imaginative minds.


Apple’s Developer Labs: A Global Reach

In addition to the Vision Pro developer kit, Apple is hosting exclusive developer labs in prominent cities across the globe. From Cupertino to Tokyo, developers can participate in these labs, providing invaluable insights into the Vision Pro headset’s potential and promoting a collaborative spirit within the development community.


Ensuring App Compatibility with visionOS

For developers eager to ensure their applications are compatible with visionOS, Apple has released a comprehensive compatibility checklist. This resource empowers developers to fine-tune their apps and make them ready for the groundbreaking headset.


visionOS Integration Made Effortless

Apple has taken significant strides in simplifying the integration process for iOS and iPadOS apps on the Vision Pro headset. Thanks to an automatic porting feature, developers can effortlessly bring their apps to the new platform without requiring extensive modifications. Nevertheless, Apple encourages developers to take advantage of this unique opportunity and refine their apps specifically for visionOS, enabling them to unleash the full potential of the platform.


Pricing and Launch

The Vision Pro headset is set to launch early next year in the United States, with a starting price of $3,499. This premium pricing reflects the cutting-edge technology and transformative experiences the headset offers, making it a highly sought-after product for tech enthusiasts and developers alike.



With the announcement of the Vision Pro developer kit, Apple is opening up a world of possibilities for creative minds, propelling innovation in the realm of app development and pushing the boundaries of augmented reality. By inviting developers to integrate visionOS features into their apps, Apple is nurturing a vibrant ecosystem that promises to deliver exceptional user experiences. As we eagerly await the official launch, developers worldwide can seize this opportunity to shape the future of app development with the Vision Pro headset.

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