China’s OpenAI Challenger: Zhipu AI's Funding from Meituan

China’s OpenAI Challenger: Zhipu AI’s Funding from Meituan


Background of Zhipu AI

Zhipu AI stands as one of the paramount figures challenging OpenAI in China. Their journey in AI gained momentum when an affiliate recently added a Meituan subsidiary as its shareholder, acquiring 10% of the firm. Though the exact funding remains undisclosed, whispers in the corporate halls hint towards “hundreds of million yuan” raised from a Series B round just a year ago.

Its Connection to Tsinghua University

A notable aspect of Zhipu AI’s pedigree is its roots in the eminent Tsinghua University. The institution, a haven for innovation, gave birth to this startup, channeling its academic excellence into practical solutions.

The Leaders and Pioneers

At the helm of this ship stands Tang Jie, a luminary from Tsinghua’s Department of Computer Science and Technology. His vision and expertise anchor Zhipu AI’s endeavors in the vast ocean of AI.

Its Previous Advancements

Like every tree rooted deep in academia, Zhipu AI has branches laden with fruitful achievements. Notable among them are investments from titans like Qiming Venture Partners, Legend Capital, and Tsinghua Holdings.

Achievements of Zhipu AI

In the ever-evolving world of AI, Zhipu doesn’t merely adapt; it leads. The company showcased its prowess by open-sourcing ChatGLM-6B, a bilingual conversational AI marvel. And that’s not all! Their GLM-130B, boasting an impressive 130 billion parameters, stands as a testament to their capabilities.

The Robust GLM-130B

The GLM-130B isn’t just another model in the AI arena. It represents Zhipu AI’s vision for a more inclusive, cost-effective AI future, breaking barriers with its capability to run on consumer-grade graphics.

Beta Phase of ChatGLM App

Currently, their user-centric ChatGLM app is undergoing beta testing, aimed first at the academic and industry elites. It’s a step that further underscores Zhipu AI’s commitment to integrating academia with real-world applications.

Meituan’s Strategic Investment

Meituan, with a whopping market cap nearing $100 billion, saw promise and potential in Zhipu AI. Their acquisition spree didn’t stop at Zhipu AI; they bagged Light Years Beyond for a staggering $234 million!

Acquisition of Light Years Beyond

It’s intriguing, isn’t it? Meituan acquiring a startup just four months into its inception. But delve deeper, and the plot thickens with the startup’s founder, Wang Huiwen, resigning from his roles at Meituan due to health concerns.

The Reason Behind the Acquisition

Could it be a simple talent acquisition, or is there a deeper strategy in play? With Meituan’s vast user base, it’s tantalizing to imagine the possibilities.

Mutual Benefits from the Investment

With Meituan’s AI arsenal now enriched by these acquisitions, they’re poised for an AI revolution. On the flip side, the AI companies could harness Meituan’s expansive reach, potentially ushering in a new era of AI-integrated services.

The Implications for the Future

What does this mean for the future of AI in China? It’s an intricate dance of academia, business, and innovation. And while the exact steps remain to be seen, one thing’s certain: the landscape is set to transform.

Potential Applications of AI for Meituan

Imagine the seamless integration of AI in ordering food, booking hotels, or even grocery shopping. With Zhipu AI’s prowess and Meituan’s expansive reach, the future holds endless potential.

The Broader Impact on AI in China

While the West has seen giants like OpenAI dominate, China’s brewing its AI revolution. With pioneers like Zhipu AI and backers like Meituan, we’re on the cusp of an eastern AI renaissance.

Closing Remarks and Speculations

The fusion of Meituan’s investment acumen with Zhipu AI’s technical brilliance heralds exciting times ahead. While the roadmap remains under wraps, the destination? A smarter, AI-driven world.


In the grand tapestry of AI, China is embroidering its narrative with ventures like Zhipu AI. With investments from giants like Meituan, the canvas is vast, and the patterns, intricate. As the saga unfolds, all eyes are on the Middle Kingdom’s AI odyssey.


  1. Who is Zhipu AI’s founder?
    • Zhipu AI is led by Tang Jie, a professor from Tsinghua University.
  2. What is the significance of Meituan’s acquisition of Light Years Beyond?
    • It marks a strategic move, especially after the resignation of the startup’s founder, Wang Huiwen, from Meituan roles.
  3. What are some notable achievements of Zhipu AI?
    • They’ve open-sourced the ChatGLM-6B and the robust GLM-130B, among others.
  4. Why is Meituan’s investment in AI startups like Zhipu significant?
    • It boosts Meituan’s AI capabilities, potentially enhancing the services they offer to their vast user base.
  5. How will this reshape the future of AI in China?
    • With a blend of academia and corporate backing, it’s setting the stage for an AI renaissance in China.

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